Thursday, March 14, 2013


For years, my mother and grandmother have been nearly addicted to Indexing (we like to call it "She's doing Dead People again!").  It's a good thing though, because it means there is less for me to do later, and I'm hoping they finish before they depart into the next life.  And even if they don't finish, my older sister is going to take the "mantle" of the Family History work, well, we will make her take the mantle.  This mantle will be pretty easy to bear though, especially because recently I've been exposed to numerous articles summing up the advances in the, and now the sight is extremely easy to use and convenient   To most people this might appear as news, but my family and I have been accustomed to these changes since they came out.  However, the new way to use your family tree is quite fascinating.  My Dad currently has an enormous family tree printout on one of our walls.  He filled the wall until he couldn't fit anymore, that would have taken a thousand pages or so.  But one of my young cousins tore half of it off the wall when he became curious as to how it was being held on.  But with the new way that organizes your tree, he can even color code it.  It might not be able to fit as much information up as he had before, but at least it will be more readable.  It's amazing, simply amazing, and I know our ancestors are extremely happy with the advances made and being made.

1 comment:

  1. There have definitely been a lot of advances in technology and software development that make genealogy much easier.
